Monday, August 13, 2012

Jen's Classroom

My classroom environment has evolved over the past two years. 

This year I am trying hard to use all soft natural colors. At this point, my room is far from complete natural colors, but we're getting there. (The yellow walls don't help) Rebekah and I also incorporate a lot of plants, lamps, and rugs into our environments, things you would have in your HOME. All of our materials are accessible to the children, so they have what they need to solve daily problems they encounter. These pictures are taken before school starts, so most of the walls are still bare. We add things to the walls throughout the year as we learn together.

My kindergarten schedule is based on two systems- learning clubs and free choice centers. Learning clubs are a bit more academic, though I still consider many of them forms of play. This virtual picture tour mostly shows the free choice centers. We'll highlight a good bit of things you see here in more detail in later posts. 

The Sensory Center

The Art Center

The Construction Center

The Writing Center

The Listening Center
(going to shorten those stools as soon as i get my hands on a saw) 

The Book Nook

The Bonus Center (Not much yet, but, oh the possibilities it holds!!) 

The Science Center (magnet wall on the right) 


Dramatic Play

Blocks/Carpet Area

Table Toppers (Or manipulatives) 

A View from the Back

The Math Center